From Avignon to Gordes France > Provence > Western > Avignon to GordesIf you're heading east from Avignon towards Apt and the Luberon, two worthwhile stops are the exquisitely romantic Fontaine-de-Vaucluse and the picturesque Gordes, close to the Abbaye de Sénanque. Between Gordes and Apt are the old ochre-quarrying villages of Roussillon and Rustrel. Visiting all these places without your own transport is not that easy; Fontaine is accessible by bus from Avignon or from L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue's gare SNCF 6km away, Gordes from Cavaillon, 24km southwest of Avignon, and Roussillon only infrequently from Apt. Pages in section ‘Avignon to Gordes’: Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, Gordes.