HI hostel 3 av Marcel-Pagnol tel, fax Located 2km west of the centre, this hostel has small dorm rooms (€14) and no cooking facilities but it does have a TV room, bar, laundry, a baggage deposit and some double rooms. Take bus #4, direction "Òjas de Bouffan", stop "Vasarely". Closed ChristmasFeb. Under €30. CROUS Cité Universitaire des Gazelles, 38 av Jules-Ferry tel This student organization can sometimes find cheap rooms on campus during July & Aug. Take bus #5, direction "Bel Ormeau", stop "Pierre-Puget". Under €30. Airotel Camping Chanteclerc rte de Nice, Val St-André tel, fax Also 3km from the centre on bus #3 or #10, this site is equally expensive, with excellent facilities. Open all year. Camping Arc-en-Ciel rte de Nice, Pont des Trois Sautets tel Located 3km southeast of town on bus #3, this is not a particularly cheap site but has very good facilities. Closed Nov to mid-March.