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Paris Theathers and Operas Photo Gallery : Facade of Opéra Garnier
France > Gallery > Paris > Theaters & Operas > Opéra Garnier

Paris Theathers and Operas Photo Gallery (9 pictures)
Opéra BastilleOpéra GarnierThéâtre de la VilleComédie FrançaiseThéâtre Musical
Opéra Garnier
© OT Paris / David Lefranc

Description : The Palais Garnier was inaugurated in january 1875. It is both a monument, a museum and a theater. Parisians usually refer to it as "L'Opéra Garnier". More...
· Read about Opéra Garnier
· Paris Theathers and Operas Photo Gallery (9 pictures)
Alternate spellings:: paris, theater, opera, theatre, opéra, opéra, opera, garnier, façade, frontage
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