L'Harmattan 16 rue des Écoles, 5e www.editions-harmattan.fr. Excellent, very know-ledgeable bookshop, especially good for Arab/North African literature in French, with a few titles in English. Publishes its own books, too. M° Maubert-Mutualité. MonSat 10am12.30pm & 1.307pm.Librairie de l'Institut du Monde Arabe 1 rue des Fossés-St-Bernard. Good range of books on Arab culture, mostly in French and mostly quite serious, though the shop also stocks an excellent CD collection and various souvenir items. M° Cardinal-Lemoine/Jussieu. TuesSun 10am6pm. Présence Africaine 25bis rue des Écoles, 5e. Specialist black African bookshop, with titles ranging from literature to economics and philosophy by Caribbean and North American as well as African writers. M° Maubert-Mutualité. MonFri 10am7pm, Sat 10.30am1pm & 27pm.