Credit cards are widely accepted and one of the most convenient ways of paying for things whilst abroad. They also tend to offer the most competitive exchange and commission rates. Visa often referred to as Carte Bleue in France is almost universally recognized; Access, MasterCard sometimes called EuroCard and American Express rank a bit lower. It's always worth checking first, however, that restaurants and hotels will accept your card; some smaller ones won't, despite the sign. Be aware, also, that French cards have a smart chip and machines may reject the magnetic strip of British, American or Australasian cards, even if they are valid. If your card is refused because of this, you might try explaining that your card is not a carte à puces, like the French ones, but a carteà piste magnétique.You can also use credit cards for cash advances at banks and in ATMs. The PIN number should be the same as the one you use at home, but check with your credit-card company before you leave. Also, because French credit cards are smart cards, some ATMs baulk at foreign plastic and tell you that your request for money has been denied. If that happens, just try another machine. All ATMs give you the choice of instructions in French or English. Remember that all cash advances are treated as loans, with interest accruing daily from the date of withdrawal; there may be a transaction fee on top of this, so withdrawing lots of small amounts can work out expensive. It's better, if possible, to make withdrawals from ATMs using your debit card, for which the flat transaction fee is usually quite small your bank will able to advise on this. Make sure you have a PIN that's designed to work overseas. However, it's unwise to rely on ATMs as your sole source of money, as a lost, stolen or malfunctioning card would leave you with nothing always have some spare currency or travellers' cheques as a back-up. To cancel lost or stolen cards, call the following 24-hour numbers: American Express tel; Diners' Club tel; MasterCard tel; Visa tel