The waymarked Tour d'Aubrac footpath does a complete circuit of the area in around ten days, starting from the town of AUMONT-AUBRAC, where you'll find the hotel Prunières (tel, fax; €3040; restaurant from €9), the Relais de Peyre, at 9 rue Languedoc (tel, fax; €3040; closed Jan; restaurant from €11), and a municipal campsite (tel There is also a daily train connection on the MillauSt-Flour line.The marathon GR65 from Le Puy to Santiago de Compostela in Spain also crosses the area from northeast to southwest en route to Conques. In fact, the tiny village of AUBRAC, which gave its name to the region, owes its existence to this Santiago pilgrim route; around 1120, a way-station was opened here for the express purpose of providing shelter for the pilgrims on these inhospitable heights. Little remains of it today, beyond the windy Tour des Anglais, into which is incorporated the friendly Hôtel de la Dômerie (tel, fax; €4055; closed NovApril; restaurant from €16.7035).