The restoration and 1830 France > Basics > History > The restoration and 1830
The years following Napoléon's downfall were marked by a determined campaign, including the White Terror, on the part of those reactionary elements who wanted to wipe out all trace of the Revolution and restore the ancien régime. Louis XVIII resisted these moves and was able to appoint a moderate royalist minister, Decazes, under whose leadership the liberal faction that wished to preserve the Revolutionary reforms made steady gains. This process, however, was wrecked by the assassination of the Duc de Berry in an attempt to wipe out the Bourbon family. In response to reactionary outrage, the king dismissed Decazes. An attempted liberal insurrection was crushed and the four Sergeants of La Rochelle were shot by firing squad. Censorship became more rigid and education was once more subjected to the authority of the Church.In 1824, Louis was succeeded by the thoroughly reactionary Charles X, who pushed through a law indemnifying émigré aristocrats for property lost during the Revolution. When the opposition won a majority in the elections of 1830, the king dissolved the Chamber and restricted the already narrow suffrage. Barricades went up in the streets of Paris. Charles X abdicated and parliament was persuaded to accept Louis-Philippe, Duc d'Orléans, as king. On the face of it, divine right had been superseded by popular sovereignty as the basis of political legitimacy. The 1814 Charter, which upheld Revolutionary and Napoleonic reforms, was reaffirmed, censorship abolished, the tricolour restored as the national flag, and suffrage widened. However, the Citizen King, as he was called, had somewhat more absolutist notions about being a monarch. In the 1830s his regime survived repeated challenges from both attempted coups by reactionaries and some serious labour unrest in Lyon and Paris. The 1840s were calmer under the ministry of Guizot, the first Protestant to hold high office, and it was at this time that Algeria was colonized. Guizot, however, was not popular. He resisted attempts to extend the vote to enfranchise the middle ranks of the bourgeoisie. In 1846, economic crisis brought bankruptcies, unemployment and food shortages. Conditions were appalling for the growing urban working class, whose hopes of a more just future received a theoretical basis in the socialist writings and activities of Blanqui, Fourier, Louis Blanc and Proudhon, among others. When the government banned an opposition banquet the only permissible form of political meeting in February 1848, workers and students took to the streets. When the army fired on a demonstration and killed forty people, civil war appeared imminent. The Citizen King fled to England.