The overall standard of restaurants in Porto is pitiably poor, with overpriced food and indifferent service the norm, particularly during high season. There are, however, a handful of exceptions.Le Maquis In the hotel of the same name. Honest, affordable home cooking in a warm bar or on a tiny terrace that hangs over the valley. Their good-value €17 menu includes delicious scorpion fish in mussel sauce. La Mer Opposite the tower tel One of the finest seafood restaurants in the area, with fish fresh from the gulf, imaginatively prepared and served in an ideal setting. Menus from €23. Le Sud Along the walkway leading from the square to the marina tel Arguably the best restaurant in Porto, thanks to their strict policy of serving nothing except the freshest local food. Simple and delicious cooking from around the Mediterranean ("cuisine de tous les suds") served on a stylish terrace overlooking the marina. Menu at €23.