France for visitors

France > Brittany > Finistère > Léon > Morlaix > Practicalities

The tourist office in Morlaix is in a solitary but central one-storey building, almost under the viaduct in place des Otages (mid-June to mid-Sept Mon & Sat 10am–12.30pm & 2–6pm, Tues–Fri 10am–12.30pm & 1.30–7pm, Sun 10.30am–12.30pm; mid-Sept to mid-June Tues–Sat 10am–noon & 2–6pm; tel All buses conveniently depart from place Cornic, right under the viaduct, but the gare SNCF is on rue Armand-Rousseau, high above the town at the western end of the viaduct. To reach it on foot, you have to climb the steep steps of Venelle de la Roche.

On the whole Morlaix's hotels are fairly uninspiring, but worth a try is the de l'Europe, 1 rue d'Aiguillon (tel,; €40–55), an eccentric old place, but very central, with modern and well-equipped rooms and a superb restaurant downstairs. Less expensive options include Greenwood Café Hôtel, 25 place St-Martin close to the gare SNCF (tel; €40–55), with reasonable-value en-suite rooms above an American-themed bar, and Le Roy d'Ys, 8 place des Jacobins (tel; under €30; closed Nov), a small hotel across the square from the town museum. There's also a hostel at 3 route de Paris (tel, Morlaix[email protected]; €7.62; open all year), 1km from the town centre; take the Kernégues bus to rue de Paris or place Traoulan, and it's just off to the left.

The best hunting ground for restaurants in Morlaix is to be found between St-Melaine church and place des Jacobins. Alternatives include La Marée Bleue, 3 rampe Ste-Mélaine (tel; closed Sun evening & Mon Sept–June), a well-respected seafood restaurant, a minute's walk up from the tourist office – the €13.50 menu is a bit limited, but €27 ensures you a superb assiette de fruits de mer, and €36 buys a five-course feast – and the Brocéliande, 5 rue des Bouchers (tel; closed Tues & Nov; menu €19), in the southeast of town, which offers elegant evening-only dining in a fin-de-siècle atmosphere.

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