The gare SNCF and gare routière complex is northwest of the centre, five minutes' walk north of the rue Royale. The road's continuation is the arcaded rue Pâquier, which contains the modern shopping precinct of Centre Bonlieu, housing the tourist office (April to mid-June & last two weeks Sept MonSat 9am12.30pm & 1.456pm, Sun 10am3pm; mid-June to mid-Sept MonSat 9am6.30pm, Sun 9amnoon & 1.456.30pm; OctMarch MonSat 9am12.30pm & 1.456pm; tel There are a number of Internet cafés in Annecy in the old town try L'emailerie, Faubourg des Annonciades (JuneAug daily 10am-8pm; SeptMay MonSat 10.30am12.30pm & 2.307.30pm). There's bike rental from Little Big Shop, 80 rue Carnot (check with the tourist office for a complete list of local rental outlets). Annecy has a number of good, inexpensive hotels. One of the cheapest is the small and serviceable Central, 6 rue Royale (tel; €3040), while more comfortable options include the Hôtel du Nord, near the train station at 24 rue Sommeiller (tel, Annecy[email protected]; €4055), and the Hôtel Pâquier, 3 rue du Pâquier (tel, fax; €4055). Further from the madding crowds, Le Belvédère, just off the rue des Marquisarts south of the old town, at 7 chemin de Belvédère (tel, fax; €4055; closed mid-Oct to April), has great views over the lake, while the homely Hôtel du Château, 16 rampe du Château (tel, fax; €4055; closed mid-Nov to mid-Dec), has a terrace overlooking the town. Upmarket options include the charming Hôtel du Palais du l'Isle, 13 rue Perrière, in the heart of the medieval town (tel, [email protected]; €85100), and the luxurious 4-star L'Impérial Palace, 32 av d'Albigny (tel, fax; €125150), in a beautiful mansion on the north-east bank of the lake beside the casino. There's a modern hostel a short distance from the centre, just uphill past the Centre Hospitalier at 4 rte du Semnoz, overlooking the lake (tel, [email protected]; closed Dec to mid-Jan); follow the signs to Semnoz. The municipal campsite, Le Belvedere (tel, is situated off boulevard de la Corniche turn right up the lane opposite chemin du Tillier; it's on the left past the Hôtel Belvédère. There are other sites all around the shore of the lake.